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Read with your child about 10 minutes each evening. There should be 2-3 books coming home in a book bag Monday through Friday.  There are sight words in a box on the assignment sheet to practice. Your child will  be asked to read and spell these on the test on Friday. There is also a list of words that will come home on Monday that follow  pattern(ex. hat, bat, cat). Next week your child will be asked to spell words that follow this same pattern.

Students can also read and do activities on their HMH account or listen to/read stories on our class Epic account.


Your child is asked to practice counting orally on Monday and Wednesday.  On Tuesday and Thursday there will be a worksheet sent home.  

We have been working on adding numbers from 0-10. We have just started talking about skip counting(odd and even numbers). Feel free to

work on the Zearn website as much as possible.


We are writing stories and books about small moments that have happened in our lives.  We are working hard to start every sentence with a capital and end each one with an end mark.

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